Diocese of Portsmouth

Best of 2019

Here’s a selection of stories that featured throughout 2019. Follow our Instagram account (@cofeportsmouth) to watch videos from these stories in InstagramTV, or click on the links below to read more about each item.

New Dean of Portsmouth

Canon Dr Anthony Cane became the new Dean of Portsmouth – the most senior clergy person at the cathedral – during the installation service on Saturday 16th March. His role sees him leading the clergy and lay team at Portsmouth Cathedral, working alongside civic and political leaders in the city, and enhancing its role in the local community.

Thy Kingdom Come Big Prayer Picnic

Thousands of Christians of all denominations gathered in the grounds of Portchester Castle to pray and worship together on Pentecost Sunday, June 9th. The Big Prayer Picnic was the climax of the global Thy Kingdom Come initiative in our region, marking the end of 10 days of prayer individually, in churches and with ecumenical partners for local people to come to know Jesus. Our three-hour Pentecost Sunday event was a mix of creative prayer, family-friendly games and sharing a picnic, followed by worship and prayer led from the main stage.

Consecration of Joanne Grenfell

Joanne Grenfell, who was Archdeacon of Portsdown in our diocese, was consecrated as the new Bishop of Stepney on Wednesday 3rd July at St Paul’s Cathedral, London. The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, led the service, and his predecessor, the Rt Rev Rowan Williams, preached, encouraging Joanne and the three other new bishops to spot where God was transforming people and to draw those transformations to the attention of others.

Havant Passion Play

Hundreds watched an absorbing Passion Play in Havant that told the story of Jesus’s life, death and resurrection. Worshippers from churches across the Havant area staged three performances of ‘Behold the Man’ in Havant Park over the August weekend of Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th. Shoppers and passers-by stopped to watch the action unfold, as the cast of more than 50 Christians portrayed Jesus’s miracles, healing and teachings – as well his final week in Jerusalem.

Feeding the Five Thousand

Thousands of passers-by were fed as churches in Southsea joined forces to recreate a miracle. The Feeding the 5,000 event was aimed at helping people understand what it might feel like for so many people to be fed simultaneously – like the Biblical story in which Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish. It took place on Saturday 5th September as part of a free family fun day on Castle Field, with live music, games and kids’ activities.

Camels in Leigh Park

Shoppers stared in amazement as three real-life camels strode through their shopping centre on Saturday 30th November – ridden by local people in fancy dress. The three camels paraded from St Francis Church, Leigh Park, to the Greywell Shopping Centre as part of the church’s Starlight Festival. Local people walked alongside the procession, or hung out of bedroom windows to take a look, while car drivers did double-takes as they spotted the camels walking along the road.