Mission and Social Transformation
Head of Mission and Social Transformation
Canon Nick Ralph
Leads our Mission and Social Transformation team, our Good Neighbours Network, and the Council for Social Responsibility which advises parishes on engagement with their communities and runs a range of innovative and creative support programmes to help them in their mission and ministry.
T: 07828 522600
E: email
Assistant Director of Social Enterprise & Engagement
Gambol Parker
Responsibility for projects and marketing programmes.
E: email
Chairman of diocesan IDWAL link
Rev Max Cross
P: The Rectory, Bidbury Lane, Bedhampton, Havant, PO9 3JG
E: email
Rural Affairs Adviser
Urban Ministry Adviser
Canon Bob White
P: St Mary’s Vicarage, Fratton Road, Portsmouth PO1 5PA
T: 023 9282 2687
E: email
Chaplain to the Deaf and Disability Adviser
Rev Amanda Collinson
P: Bishop’s Office, Bishopsgrove, 26 Osborn Road, Fareham, PO16 7DQ
T: 023 9289 9692
E: email
Good Neighbours Network leader
Karen Jordan
Leads the GNN Team and responsible for the overall smooth running of the project and it’s aims, supervision of Network Advisors and the overseeing of GN group support and development.
P: 07827 925327
E: email
Karen works Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, excluding Wednesday afternoon. (Evening sometimes required so hours may vary)
Fundraising Manager
Vanessa Eden
responsible for income generation for the Council for Social Responsibility.
T: 07880 926751
E: email
Energy Adviser
Stephen Dominy
advising groups and their clients on their energy usage and the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning.
E: email
Programme Manager for children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing
Lydia Galloway
leading on the children’s and young people’s emotional health project run by the Council for Social Responsibility.
T: 07717 418811
E: email
Energy Facilitator – Marketing
Siobhan Butt
raising awareness of how to be more energy efficient within the home and running workshops to support GNN clients with issues involving energy.
E: email