Christian spirituality is about prayer and our experience of God. The spirituality team offers ways to explore the wide range of Christian spiritual traditions, through spirituality days, quiet days and courses. It also oversees a network of trained spiritual directors available to support people on a one-to-one basis. Working with a spiritual director or guide is highly recommended for anyone who desires to develop their relationship with God.
Spiritual direction or guidance
Spiritual direction is a formal commitment between two people who do not meet regularly in other contexts (e.g. Sunday worship), in which the director helps the directee to understand and deepen their relationship with God in a safe and confidential space.
It is a supportive relationship but not a therapeutic relationship such as counselling. It is more akin to the role of a personal trainer than a friend. So not every conversation about spiritual matters is spiritual direction.
The title ‘spiritual direction’ is historical: a spiritual director will help us discern the working of the Holy Spirit in our life and will not tell us what to do. The diocese has a list of approved Spiritual Directors. If interested in exploring further please contact Andrew Hargreaves.
Prayer Booklets
These prayer booklets have been created to help guide you through various aspects of prayer, as well as finding and working with a Spiritual Director. Click on the cover to download.