Diocesan office
The needs of our parishes are serviced by a small team who are based in our diocesan office, near to the cross-channel ferry port. Some also work from home or in a hybrid way, depending on their domestic situation. However, letters can still be sent to the address below and will be dealt with as soon as possible:
Diocese of Portsmouth
First Floor
Peninsular House
Wharf Road
Tel: 023 9289 9650
Diocesan Staff
Please use the Contact Form below if there is a member of staff you need to contact.
Contact details for all diocesan staff are listed on the following pages:
Ministry & Discipleship
(inc. Liturgy & Worship Advisory Group, Ordinands, Healing, Ministerial Development, Vocations, and Spirituality)
Mission & Social Transformation
(inc. the Good Neighbours Network)