Mission Courses

Leading Your Church into Growth (LYCiG)

LYCiG is central to our diocesan strategy live | pray | serve as we seek to renew the mission of our parish churches. Over 80% of benefices have sent clergy and lay representatives to LYCiG conferences over the past three years, and these churches have been supported with mission planning and discipleship materials.

LYCiG “is designed to encourage and to equip you and your people to grow in numbers, in spirituality and in mission commitment to your community and the wider world”. We run a residential course and follow up events and support parishes locally in developing growth programmes. For more details on our LYCiG residential course click here and for more details on our LYCiG follow up events click here.

The Healthy Churches’ Handbook

The Healthy Churches’ Handbook is a practical guide that will help you identify your church’s strengths and weaknesses, discovering what action to take to improve its health. Focusing on the quality of your church’s life rather than just the numbers attending, and avoiding ‘quick-fix’ solutions, Robert Warren offers a realistic and positive process for revitalizing your church, helping you assess your parish against the seven marks of a healthy church. More details available here.

Everybody Welcome

Everybody Welcome is the complete course to transform your church by improving your approach to newcomers. In five teaching sessions, it will help you review your attitudes to newcomers, learn new approaches and identify areas of improvement and change. More details available here.