Prayer time…

1. Beginning prayer
  • How are you feeling?
  • What do you want to say to God?
  • Ask for the help of God’s Holy Spirit – the energy of God

(this is very important – our access-point to God!)

2. Prayer
  • Say what you want to say
  • If you don’t know what to say, or don’t want to say anything, just be there in God’s presence
  • Look here for ideas for prayer
3. Finishing prayer
  • Say thank you to God for time with God
  • Say the Lord’s Prayer, or make a closing gesture like the sign of the cross
  • Slowly get up and leave the place where you’ve prayed
4. How was it for you?
  • As you walk away, recall your prayer time, just as you might think back over time with a friend
  • How did you feel during the prayer?
  • Was it good to be there, or not? In what ways?
  • Did you feel God was asking anything from you?
  • Is there anything you want to go back to in your next prayer time?

(Some people find it helpful to keep a note of this – a bit like a ‘spiritual diary’)