Leaving a Legacy to Your Church:

A Gift of Faith, Hope & Love

Legacies are a fundamental part of stewardship and our Christian giving; leaving a gift in your will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can give thanks to God for the gifts received during your lifetime.

Go to the Church of England’s Legacy website where you will find further information on leaving a legacy, example wording for your will, and resources to help prepare for a visit to your solicitor. You'll also find real-life stories of how legacies have helped transform a church’s future.

Parishes across our Diocese have kindly shared their stories:

  • “Two legacies made possible our front entrance which has transformed our church.”
  • “A legacy has enabled us to carry on with the re-ordering of our church.”
  • “A legacy enable to install the new glass doors which has had a huge impact on the life of the Church and its accessibility and visibility. The funding was also used to refresh our Choir Music Library and Cassocks as well as providing some new resources for our work with children.”
  • “We had no hall, and the closest toilet was down a steep hill over a quarter of a mile away. Not only did this prevent socialising after a service it prevented some people from coming at all, even to their loved-one’s funerals. The legacy enabled us to put a toilet and kitchenette in the tower. This not only solved the aforementioned problems but enabled us to expand our mission in other ways - we have large numbers of people coming through our doors.”