Domestic Abuse

The church can play a significant role in responding to domestic abuse and offering care and support for victims. Responding to Domestic Abuse: Policy and Practice Guidance 2017 sets out the church’s commitment to addressing and responding effectively to domestic abuse both within its own community and wider society.

Church bodies can also play their part in addressing domestic abuse through:

Raising Awareness

  • Display posters and have brochures and leaflets offering information about help that is available locally. Place domestic abuse contact details and help-lines in places where a victim can take the information without fear of discovery, such as in toilet cubicles. Remember that it is important for people to be able to access material discreetly.
  • Adopt and display the domestic abuse ‘Charter for Churches’.
  • Encourage attendance on training about the issue of domestic abuse. Details of courses currently running in the Diocese can be found here.
  • Discuss domestic abuse and violence in appropriate contexts, such as marriage preparation, relationship courses, etc.

Providing Support

  • Be a safe place for those affected by domestic abuse. Refer victims to relevant organisations, and support them in going to these services.
  • Support local refuges and support groups through a number of ways including, donations or providing emergency items, such as toiletries, clothing, toys, etc.
  • Seek guidance from domestic abuse support agencies who can offer practical advice to those seeking help. Details of local and national helplines are below.
  • Challenge beliefs and attitudes that support inappropriate behaviour and/or violence.

Helplines and Useful Numbers

National Domestic Violence Helpline

Run in partnership with Women’s Aid and Refuge.
T: 0808 2000 247

Stop Domestic Abuse

Helpline: 0330 0533 630




An international Christian alliance working to transform relationships and end violence against women.
T: 020 3906 3922

Victim Support

T: 0808 16 89 111

Portsmouth IDVA Project

Portsmouth IDVA Project (PIP) provides support to victims at high risk of domestic abuse.
T: 023 9268 8472

Victim Care

Provides support to standard risk victims of domestic abuse.
T: 023 8024 0616

Portsmouth Abuse & Rape Counselling Service (PARCS)

T: 023 9266 9513

Young Persons Service

T: 023 9266 9519

Domestic Abuse Service for Hampshire Helpline

A confidential help service for women, men, children and young people experiencing domestic abuse in Hampshire.
T: 03300 165 112

Hampshire Domestic Abuse Partnership


Isle of Wight Domestic Abuse Support

T: 01983 825981

Up2U: Creating Healthy Relationships

Support programme for people who use domestically abusive behaviours in their relationships.
T: 023 9243 7608