Net zero carbon
The Church of England nationally has committed itself to be net zero carbon by 2030, which is a challenging target for national Church institutions, dioceses and parishes. This will involve working on our church buildings, vicarages, schools and church activities.
You can get an overview of our environmental programme and our drive to reduce our carbon footprint as a national Church by clicking here. There are many other resources that can help your church to become net zero carbon, including:
- case studies from other churches;
- a routemap to becoming carbon net zero (for dioceses, churches and schools);
- guidance for your church to help cut your energy footprint, including information about faculty permission;
- a two-page PDF showing a practical pathway to net zero carbon for churches;
- the chance to measure your carbon use via the energy footprint tool;
- the chance to conduct an energy audit of your church;
- free webinars to help you consider this important topic.
Net zero carbon action plan
Our Diocesan Synod in November 2023 agreed our carbon net zero action plan, which includes short-term, medium-term and long-term actions to help us to reduce our carbon emissions. You can read the full action plan here.

Kickstart your net zero project with a Quick Wins grant
Churches looking to reduce their carbon emissions can now apply for a Quick Wins grant to help launch a small project. Small grants can be applied for to help fund small-scale decarbonisation projects such as new LED lighting, pew heaters, insulation or updating electricity supplies. The Quick Wins grant scheme is part of the Church of England’s ambitious Net Zero Carbon by 2030 programme, which aims to equip, resource and support all parts of the Church to reduce carbon emissions from the energy used in its buildings, schools and through work-related transport by 2030.
- Projects could include:
- replacing light bulbs with LED bulbs
- fixing and clearing your rainwater drains
- installing under-pew heating
- You can help your application if you have:
- completed and submitted your Energy Footprint Tool data
- downloaded and completed the Practical Pathway to Net Zero checklist to generate a carbon reduction plan
- registered your church for the Eco Church project
Contact David Cain for more details.
- Parish Buying ran a webinar for churches interested in installing EV charging points in some of its parking spaces. You can watch the webinar on catch-up here.

Environment and net zero officers
Steve Collins, formerly the Deputy Diocesan Secretary of Guildford Diocese, is moving into the new role of Net Zero Carbon Programme Manager for the dioceses of Portsmouth, Guildford and Chichester from January 2024.
Steve’s role is enabled through national funding that is also paying for David Cain (pictured left), Diocesan Building Development Officer, to also take on the role of Diocesan Environment Officer.
The funding is also enabling us to create a part-time net zero carbon support officer to work with David and Steve. That person is Matt Lockwood, who is already working as our part-time communications officer.
The roles taken on by David and Matt are in addition to the diocesan environmental group that has been promoting and supporting parish initiatives on green issues. They will be helping us to measure the carbon consumption in our parishes, and to access grants, advice and support that can help our churches to reduce our reliance on carbon consumption.
Energy audits
Much of the challenge regarding turning out church buildings carbon-neutral revolves around our heating systems and the way we use energy to heat and light those buildings. We’ve asked the University of Portsmouth to do some energy audits on four specific churches, to give us an idea of what is involved in older and newer buildings, urban and rural settings, and with larger and smaller congregations. Why not download the audit from the church that is the most similar to yours and see what they say?
Practical tips to reduce your carbon footprint
Here are some practical tips to help your parish in its drive towards becoming carbon net zero, from other parishes across the Church of England:

Electric Vehicle charging points
The Parish Buying team have announced a scheme to help churches generate income through the installation of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points. There are requirements for taking part, which include being able to set aside at least 2 parking spaces and 24-hour access to the car park by the public. The charging points are managed by the operating company who rent the car park space from you. The electricity supply is taken from the national grid, so the church’s supply is not affected or used.
You can find out more about the scheme, and apply, on the Pariah Buying website here.