Triwonder - the education team project 2024-25
Each academic year our church schools take part in a themed project organised by our diocesan education team, which also serves as a focus for the annual Leavers’ Service for Year 6 pupils in our cathedral.
This year’s project has been entitled ‘TriWonder’ and brings together creation care, outdoor learning and mental and emotional well-being. Our education team has prepared a booklet of resources for schools to use. These may also be useful for parishes to use, should they be examining some of these areas. It includes specially-commissioned resources from Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, as well as ideas for collective worship and Godly Play.
To download the booklet, click below:
Latest documents
Education project
Each academic year our church schools take part in a themed project organised by our ... Read more

Leavers' Services
Each summer, our Leavers' Services bring together Year 6 pupils from church schools across our diocese. They meet in our cathedral for a day of workshops and a Leavers' Service, at which they pray together for their transition to secondary school and their futures. This usually happens over four successive days in our cathedral, with similar events in Winchester Cathedral. Details from previous years are below: