Breathe, Bembridge
SOME Fresh Expressions can offer new ways of engaging effectively with those who describe themselves as “spiritual, but not religious”. They wouldn’t attend a traditional worship service, but are open to exploring spirituality and faith differently.
That’s the vision behind a new Fresh Expression that will be launched after Easter 2019 at Holy Trinity Church, Bembridge.
‘Breathe’ is the name they are giving to this regular evening meeting in the Cloisters. It will be open to all - wherever they are, or aren’t, with God. There’s space for the broken and hurting as well as the clean and tidy, and those turning to spiritualism, tarot and similar systems because they know there is a spiritual side to life but don’t see it in the church.
It will be set up as a safe place, a sanctuary from everything else in our busy lives - a time out to breathe and receive from God. A few tables and chairs, big bean bags, cushions and candles will be scattered around, plus soft drinks, good coffee, good cake and snacks.
The evening will be introduced and closed in Christian prayer, and spent in the presence of God. There will be gentle, carefully curated worship videos and music, with an openness to the Holy Spirit moving and ministering among people. There will be no preaching, no pressure to do anything - just space to be. Prayer ministry will be available throughout.
There will also be opportunities for creativity, reflecting our Creator God - with artist friends, believers and not, listening and painting prophetically what they’re seeing and hearing.
‘Breathe’ is being organised by worshippers Nick Callaghan and Margaret Jones and follows on from the Alpha course they are currently running at Holy Trinity, which 40 people signed up for alongside 20 helpers.
Nick said: “We hope Breathe will help many to engage spiritually - with the Holy Spirit - and to meet Jesus, maybe with some tears and laughter, as lives are changed.”
Nick and Margaret have been running another Fresh Expression at Holy Trinity for two years now, ‘Church on Tuesday’ is an evening meeting seeking to address a perceived need for an alternative approach to being and doing church locally. Its flexible format includes worship, prayer, Scripture, teaching and the chance to share stories of what God has been doing during the week.
It’s likely that Breathe will meet twice a month, alternating with regular Church on Tuesday. If you’re interested, please contact Nick on 01983 213006 or nick@callaghanproperty.com