Diocese of Portsmouth

    Iraq Conflict - Resources from the Church

    22 March 2003

    More resources will be added to this page as they become available
    Last Updated Sunday January 18, 2004

    Statement by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York on conflict with Iraq - click here.



    For prayers and readings to use as individuals and groups at home, school or work, see below under related news

    Invitation to Prayer Website - a Church of England resource of prayers for use individually or corporately.
    pdf version of some of these prayers, prepared by Chichester Diocese is available here

    Advice on praying with children, and prayers, from the Anglican Diocese of Oxford, click here.

    Prayer on the Outbreak of War from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.

    Prayers from the Anglican Diocese of St Albans, click here.

    Prayers on the rejesus website. New prayers are posted each day in response to events in Iraq.

    Christian Aid. Prayers and resources.

    The Mothers Union. Prayer resources for the people of Iraq.


    Resources from the Forces Chaplains

    The Labarum Collection - from the Royal Army Chaplain's Department. Prayers and service outlines for use in parish and chaplaincy.


    Resources for Schools

    Collective Worship resources from The National Society, including specially written assembly material and guidance.

    The Assemblies Website - Rapid Response assembly on War with Iraq.

    Assembly resources from the Anglican Diocese of Ely, click here.


    All age Resources

    "Active Prayers for Peace" as used in Southwell Minster on Saturday 22nd March.
    This range of activities will help people of all ages think through the issues around war and peace and pray in traditional and creative ways.


    Prayers and resources from the bishop's advisory group on worship to use in church:

    For an order of service on the outbreak of war, click here (pdf version here, rtf version here)For Eucharistic texts in a time of conflict, click here (pdf version here, rtf version here)For suggested hymns to be used, click hereFor an order of service for an interfaith peace vigil, click here (pdf version here, rtf version here)For the order of service being used daily at Portsmouth's two cathedrals, click here (pdf version here, rtf version here)

    pdf versions above are ideal for printing. You will need Acrobat reader available here>
    rtf versions are ideal for editing in Word Processors.
    To download right-click on the link and choose "Save Target As..."