Diocese of Portsmouth

    New book helps churches achieve maximum publicity

    30 May 2006

    A NEW book designed to help churches make real impact with their publicity has gone on sale. 100 Ways to Get Your Church Noticed is the latest book by Portsmouth diocesan communications adviser Neil Pugmire.

    The latest book by diocesan communications adviser Neil Pugmire includes tips about websites, parish magazines, posters, leaflets and media liaison

    It highlights ways in which churches can improve their noticeboards, websites, parish magazines, posters and leaflets to publicise events and activities more effectively. It shows how helping to meet needs in the local community can promote a good word-of-mouth reputation about congregations.

    The book also contains sections about designing logos, making churches look more welcoming, and using e-newsletters, text messaging, digital photos and DVDs to get the message across. It is published by Kingsway as part of their ‘Great Ideas’ series and draws on the author’s experience in offering advice to parishes in the Anglican Diocese of Portsmouth over the past five years.

    An accompanying website – www.getyourchurchnoticed.com – has been created to showcase additional photographs and publicity ideas. It also provides a way for people to submit ideas of their own. Examples of good practice from churches across the Portsmouth diocese have been included both in the book and on the website.

    “One of the things I noticed when I was asked to give advice to parishes was that the most recent resources available were at least 10 years old,” said Neil. “There was obviously little or nothing in those books about websites, digital photos, modern desk-top publishing methods, text messaging, podcasting or creating DVDs.

    “Society has also moved on hugely in those 10 years. We’ve become even busier, advertising, marketing and design has become even more important, and – sadly – some of the ways that the Church uses to communicate simply don’t work any more. Even committed church members may not take in everything they hear and see from their parishes, just because there’s so much more going on.

    “I thought it would be good if there was something on the market that addressed some of these issues, as well as the more traditional methods such as noticeboards, parish magazines and posters. The website is a way of showing that I don’t have all the answers – it’s designed to be interactive so that others can contribute ideas too.”

    100 Ways to Get Your Church Noticed costs £8.99 and is available in Christian bookshops or via the Kingsway website: www.equippingthechurch.co.uk.

    The foreword is written by the Anglican Bishop of Portsmouth, the Rt Rev Kenneth Stevenson, who says: “Neil Pugmire is an expert communicator. This is not just a book to read; it is a tool to be used.”

    And David Beer, the UK leader of Purpose Driven Church, described it as: “A thoroughly practical book which every church leader would benefit from reading. A communication toolbox to help put your church on the map.”

    This is Neil’s fourth book. His previous titles are all drama-based resources – 50 Seasonal Sketches (Kingsway) contains drama for use during the Christian year; The Adventures of the J Team (Bible Reading Fellowship) is a resource for children’s holiday clubs and school assemblies; and Launchpad (Bible Reading Fellowship) provides material for all-age worship services.


