Diocese of Portsmouth

    Process to find new bishop gathers pace

    22 June 2009

    THE Ven. Peter Hancock, chair of the vacancy-in-see committee, provides an update on the appointment process

    Caroline Boddington, archbishops' appointments secretary, and Paul Britton, prime minister's appointments secretary

    When Bishop Kenneth announced that he would retire in September 2009, the process for the appointment of a new bishop was initiated.  The vacancy-in-see committee met for the first time on 23 March 2009 when all members of the committee were present.  The first meeting was preceded by a Eucharist, with prayers for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  A drafting group was formed to help in the production of the diocesan statement of needs.  This group comprised members from across the diocese and represented different backgrounds and interests.  The group met on two subsequent occasions and a series of drafts were produced.  These were discussed by the vacancy-in-see committee at their meetings in May and June, and at the main meeting, which was held on 17 June.  This was attended by the two appointments’ secretaries, Caroline Boddington, the Archbishops’ appointments’ secretary and Paul Britton, the Prime Minister’s appointments’ secretary. 

    Letters were sent to all clergy, Readers, diocesan staff, diocesan synod members, lay chairs and PCC secretaries informing them of the process and inviting them to contribute by contacting or writing to any member of the vacancy-in-see committee.   A number of parishes displayed that letter in their churches or discussed it at their PCC meetings.  It was encouraging to see articles in parish magazines and pew sheets requesting prayer for all involved in the process and especially the Crown Nomination Commission and its members.  

    As chair of the committee, I have been particularly heartened to know that across the diocese this process has been upheld in prayer and also by the willingness of people to join in the consultation process and meet with the appointment secretaries during their visit to the diocese on June 17- 19. The two public meetings, one held in the cathedral and the other held in Ryde on the Isle of Wight provided good opportunities for the appointments’ secretaries to hear views from a wide variety of people. 

    A final meeting of the drafting group finalised the statement and incorporated comments and observations that arose during the public consultation and from correspondence received from individuals and PCCs. 

    The diocesan statement produced by the vacancy-in-see committee, together with a statement setting out the qualities needed in a new diocesan bishop will be sent to all members of the Crown Nomination Commission.  In addition to these documents there will be a memorandum drawn up by the two appointments’ secretaries on the basis of the consultation they have conducted in the diocese.   The Archbishops will also contribute a paper setting out the needs of the national church.  The six members of the vacancy-in-see committee who have been elected to serve on the Crown Nomination Commission are: the Ven Caroline Baston, Canon David Isaac, Mr Peter Lowater, Mrs Sue Rodgers, Mr Michael Taylor and Canon Bob White.  Click here for their contact details.  Further details of the responsibilities of the Crown Nomination Commission can be found here.

    We anticipate that an announcement might be made before the end of 2009 and the new bishop is likely to start work in the first half of 2010. 

    In commending the diocesan statement of needs to the Crown Nomination Commission, I would like to record my thanks to all the members of the vacancy-in-see committee for the prayerful and energetic way in which they engaged with this process.   It is entirely consonant with the character of Portsmouth diocese that there has been wide consultation and engagement in the preparation of this document.   Our work together as a committee has confirmed for us that the diocese is looking forward with confidence and anticipation to the appointment of a new diocesan bishop and waiting with prayerful expectation for the gifts and graces of Christ that he will bring. 

    It is important that all of us engage in and encourage prayers for all those involved in the process and especially for the Commission and its members. 

    Venerable Peter Hancock

    Chair of the Vacancy in See Committee                                        June 2009