Diocese of Portsmouth

    Bishop preaches simultaneously across diocese

    15 Sept. 2010

    Our new bishop will preach simultaneously at churches across his diocese on his first full day in the role.

    The Rt Rev Christopher Foster, who will be installed as the Anglican bishop at Portsmouth Cathedral on Saturday (Sept 18), has recorded a message via DVD, which will replace the sermon at churches throughout south-east Hampshire and the Isle of Wight on Sunday (Sept 19).

    The 14-minute DVD includes footage of him visiting parts of his new diocese over the summer – including the West Wight Holiday Bible Club in Freshwater on the Isle of Wight; speaking from the top of St Mary’s Church tower in Fratton; joining worship at The Rock, the congregation that meets in St Peter’s Day Nursery in Segensworth; and meeting students at Fareham College.

    He also speaks about the importance of prayer, worship and discipleship, the value of having Christian chaplains in secular institutions and the importance of engaging with people properly in mission. He urges worshippers to give of their best in mission, ministry and worship to help further the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    “I’m encouraged and inspired to see such examples of Christian service across the island and southern Hampshire,” he concludes. “Christians give of their best and it can be challenging – certainly tiring and demanding. Let’s consider and re-consider how we give our best in engagement. For God, in Jesus, gave everything for us. What’s our response?”

    Churches plan to show the DVD to congregations during Sunday services, using their existing PA systems, data projectors and big screens, or by putting a TV and DVD player at the front of church. In the parishes of Shalfleet, Newtown and Calbourne on the Isle of Wight, assistant curate the Rev Clive Leach plans to use a projector, screen and sound system for the first time to bring the bishop’s message to worshippers. Some churches will have the DVD playing over coffee at the end of the service, while others pass it around their midweek groups meeting in people’s homes.

    The thinking behind the release of the DVD is that only 1,100 worshippers will be able to fit into Portsmouth Cathedral for the installation service at 3pm on Saturday (Sept 18). This is the bishop’s way of introducing himself to the rest of the 11,000 or so Anglican worshippers across south-east Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

    Saturday’s (Sept 18) installation service will involve Bishop Christopher arriving at the west door of the cathedral, dressed simply in white robes. Young people from across the diocese and cathedral canons will then dress him in a cope and mitre, and present him with a crozier and ring to signify his new role.

    He will then be taken to the bishop’s throne in the cathedral and officially ‘enthroned’ by the Archdeacon of Canterbury, the Ven Sheila Watson, on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The first thing that happens after that will be a reminder by a child of Jesus’ words that we are all first and foremost children of God. Bishop Christopher will preach, and young people from across the diocese will lay hands on him to silently pray for his ministry.

    After the service, the entire congregation will be invited to follow Bishop Christopher out of the west doors, reminding them that they carry the gospel out into their communities. Portsmouth Cathedral Choir will sing an anthem and Bishop Christopher will pray for the diocese.

    On Sunday (Sept 19), there will be a welcome service at 3pm in Newport Minster. The service of Evensong will be led by the Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight, the Ven Caroline Baston, and include a welcome from the Lord Lieutenant, Mjr Gen Martin White, and from the Island Church Leaders’ Forum. Children from Newport C of E Primary School and Oakfield C of E Primary School will lead the prayers. Bishop Christopher will preach and will present medals from the Royal School of Church Music to choristers during the service.

    Video footage and photos from the installation service should be on this website – www.portsmouth.anglican.org –  by September 20.