Island school welcomes Bishop Jonathan

    12 Sept. 2023

    BISHOP Jonathan visited a church school on the Isle of Wight - where pupils were given the chance to ask him questions.

    The bishop was a guest at The Bay C of E School in Sandown at the start of September. The Bay School is the only church school on the Isle of Wight that teaches pupils from the ages of four to 16.

    He met pupils and staff, who welcomed him into the school community, and gave him a tour of the primary site on Winchester Park Road. He was then led by four Year 6 pupils as they walked him over to the secondary site.

    At the secondary site he was joined by some Year 7 pupils, who joined with the Year 6 pupils for a conference at which they asked him questions. Among the questions were:

    • What can the church do to support people’s mental health?
    • How would you motivate people to find out more about Christianity?
    • Do you think it’s important for all students to study RE in school and why?
    • What is your favourite part of being a Bishop?
    • What was your favourite subject at school?

    The pupils were interested to hear how he once travelled toAustralia and played cricket for a local team, and that his favourite subject at school was sport. He talked passionately about how he sees one of the roles of being a Bishop to speak up boldly if he sees something unfair in society.

    Bishop Jonathan answers questions from the Year 6 and Year 7 pupils
    Bishop Jonathan at the secondary site of the Bay C of E School in Sandown

    After listening with great interest to the pupils and finding out how they had settled into the new term, Bishop Jonathan was given a tour of the secondary site.

    Lexi from Year 6 said: "I was really proud to be asked to meet with Bishop Jonathan. He was interested in what we thought about our school and it was a great opportunity to get to ask him questions.”

    And executive headteacher Duncan Mills said: “We were delighted to welcome Rt Rev Dr Jonathan Frost, the Bishop of Portsmouth, to our school community. As the only Church of England, all-through school on the Isle of Wight, he was keen to find out about the running of the school across two sites. He enjoyed the pupil conference and welcomed the questions put to him.”


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