Experience community life

Start date
6 Sep 2024, 9 a.m.
End date
8 Sep 2024, 4 p.m.
Hilfield Friary, Hilfield, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 7BE


A weekend at Hilfield Friary for 18-30 year olds, a chance to find out what life in community is like at a Franciscan friary.

What’s Hilfield Friary?
Hilfield Friary is a Christian community in the Dorset countryside with a mix of community members of all ages, genders and backgrounds. The community is a mix of Franciscan friars (a bit like monks) and volunteers who live with the community for varying amounts of time. There is a rhythm of meals together and worship in the chapel. The community works together to offer hospitality to guests seeking peace or prayer and to care for the 50 acres of land and various animals. Alongside offering a peaceful place for people to visit, the friary is passionate about conservation and combatting climate emergency.

What to expect?
The weekend is deliberately lightly structured so you will get the chance to join in with the regular rhythms of community life and explore the friary. There will be the chance to eat and hang out with the community members and other young adult guests, to be involved in some of the work of the friary and to join in the worship of the chapel (for those who want to). For any questions about what the weekend will be like, email Amy Bowen.

To book
Recommended donation of £50 with all meals and accommodation included. To book, email or call 01300 341345. Download the programme here.

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