Bishop blesses newly-planted fig tree at nursing home

    21 March 2023

    THE Home of Comfort Nursing Home in Southsea had a special visitor on Wednesday 1st March when Rt Rev Dr Jonathan Frost, Bishop of Portsmouth, stopped by to plant and bless a new fig tree in the front garden.

    The tree was generously donated by Hampshire Tree and Garden, a local tree specialist who was commissioned to remove another tree that was causing problems for the nursing home’s boundary wall.

    Despite the chilly weather, the ceremony was attended by several residents, along with their family members, the Matron, Administration Manager, and Trustees. After planting the tree, the bishop sprinkled it with holy water and led everyone in prayers, including the Lord’s Prayer.

    The Bishop of Portsmouth, Matron, Administration Manager and Trustees of the Home of Comfort
    The Bishop of Portsmouth, Matron, Administration Manager and Trustees of the Home of Comfort

    Following the ceremony, Bishop Jonathan warmed up with a cup of tea and a slice of homemade ‘Bara Brith’ (a traditional Welsh tea cake) from the nursing home’s kitchen. He then took some time to chat with Trustees and residents in the home’s cosy conservatory overlooking the front garden.

    The Home of Comfort Nursing Home is incredibly grateful to Bishop Jonathan and Hampshire Tree and Garden for their time and generosity in making this special day possible.

    Hampshire Tree and Garden, Callum Kilby and team, who kindly donated the fig tree to the Home of Comfort
    Hampshire Tree and Garden, Callum Kilby and team, who kindly donated the fig tree to the Home of Comfort
    The Rt Rev Dr Jonathan Frost, Bishop of Portsmouth and Patron of the Home of Comfort, blessing the newly-planted fig tree with Head of Trustees Father Russell Lawson and Callum Kilby of Hampshire Tree
    The Rt Rev Dr Jonathan Frost, Bishop of Portsmouth and Patron of the Home of Comfort, blessing the newly-planted fig tree with Head of Trustees Father Russell Lawson and Callum Kilby of Hampshire Tree
    The Bishop of Portsmouth chatting to HoC resident Phyllis Peters
    The Bishop of Portsmouth chatting to HoC resident Phyllis Peters

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