The Children’s Society is a social justice organisation, founded on and driven by Christian values.

The Children’s Society is a national charity that runs local services, helping children and young people when they are at their most vulnerable, and have nowhere left to turn. They also campaign for changes to laws affecting children and young people, to stop the mistakes of the past being repeated in the future.

“Today, as always, we are ambitious for all children. We are determined, through our campaigning, commitment and care, to give every child the greatest possible chance in life.”
“We’re working towards a country where all children are free from disadvantage”

Christingle resources

Christingle provides a fantastic opportunity to bring your church and community together and help make the voices of vulnerable children heard

Free youth worker resources

The Children’s Society has produced six youth group sessions that give the latest insight on some of the most challenging issues that face young people today.

Church resources

Including theology reports, prayer, worship materials, fundraising ideas, reflections, volunteering opportunities and campaigning