Advice on Poverty Issues

Other useful services provided by local churches and charities:

  • The Portsmouth branch of the Citizens Advice Bureau is often a good place to start, as they can point people in the direction of other agencies.
  • St Simon’s Church, Waverley Road, Southsea, runs Sunday Suppers (hot meals for the homeless) on Sunday evenings, and Breakthru, a self-help group, on a Friday.
  • Portsmouth Foyer offers accommodation and help for homeless young people.
  • The Roberts Centre, in Portsmouth, was initially created by a bequest to a former Bishop of Portsmouth. It offers help for families faced with issues of homelessness and relationship breakdown.
  • The You Trust, in Portsmouth, helps vulnerable people with issues relating to welfare reform, mental health, debt, housing and employment.
  • Church Housing Trust supports the rehabilitation and resettlement of homeless people of all ages and backgrounds.
  • Christians Against Poverty offer help and advice to help lift people out of debt.
    CAP now have a Debt Centre in Portsmouth, offering free advice and support. If you need help contact the helpline on 01274 761911. If you’d like to join the team, receive updates or become a prayer partner, please contact Beth Charman.
  • With Thankful Hearts receives food donations to be distributed to food banks and providers across the city of Portsmouth.
  • A number of the food banks in Portsmouth are supported by nationwide charity Trussell Trust.
  • Food pantries are taking off across the country, with a few already running in this diocese. You can read about Cosham’s community Larder project here.
  • Community Money Advice is a national charity supporting churches and community groups in helping people overcome their money problems.
  • A number of churches are opening their buildings during the week as a Warm Space providing warmth and something to drink and eat to those struggling because of the cost of living crisis – you can find details here of which churches are opening, and when. The Warm Welcome website provides a search engine to help with locating nearby churches that are part of the scheme.
  • The Churches Mutual Credit Union could be a good place to find help and support with a variety of schemes including vehicle loans, commutation loans, first post loans, payroll savers loans, restructuring loans and personal loans as well as various savings accounts.
  • To help those who may be asylum seekers or refugees, click here

Other organisations can help us to understand the reasons for poverty and how to campaign on such issues: