Central Contents Register - July 2016

Please find below the links for the Central Contents Register. If you are not aware of what this is.... Church Commissioners produce a list every quarter of ecclesiastical items that are in need of relocation i.e. pews, fonts etc. There is also a list of items that parishes are looking out for.

Remember to inform Vivienne Chick (details on the covering letter below) if you want to add or remove an item from the list.

Covering letter DFOs

Items for sale Suppliers

Disclaimer Items wanted

Central Contents Register - April 2016

Please find below the links for the Central Contents Register. If you are not aware of what this is.... Church Commissioners produce a list every quarter of ecclesiastical items that are in need of relocation i.e. pews, fonts etc. There is also a list of items that parishes are looking out for.

Remember to inform Vivienne Chick (details on the covering letter below) if you want to add or remove an item from the list.

Covering letter DFOs

Items for sale Suppliers

Disclaimer Items wanted

Central Contents Register - January 2016

Please find below the links for the Central Contents Register. If you are not aware of what this is.... Church Commissioners produce a list every quarter of ecclesiastical items that are in need of relocation i.e. pews, fonts etc. There is also a list of items that parishes are looking out for.

Remember to inform Vivienne Chick (details on the covering letter below) if you want to add or remove an item from the list.

Covering letter DFOs

Items for sale Suppliers

Disclaimer Items wanted

Listed Places of Worship Roof Repair Fund: 2nd Round

The 2nd round of the Listed Places of Worship Roof Repair Fund is now open.

The application period will be 12 weeks. The deadline for applications is 26th February 2016.

The core eligibility criteria still apply:

  1. The church must be listed
  2. The church must be used at least 6 times per year for worship
  3. The works must be eligible (urgent repairs to roof coverings, rainwater goods or drainage. This includes repair of spire coverings such as shingles or tiles, in addition to roofs, tower roofs, cupolas, rainwater disposal and any associated repointing where it forms part of the roof repairs)
  4. The works must be urgent – considered as necessary within 2 years or less in your most recent QI report.
  5. The fund will not cover repairs required following metal theft unless you can demonstrate that the lead required repair prior to it being stolen
  6. The fund only covers like for like repairs – apart from in the instance that rainwater goods require upgrading to deal with the volume of water.
  7. Replacement with an alternative material will only be considered in exceptional circumstances

Please note: you cannot apply for the grant if you have already received, or been offered, funding for the project from the Heritage Lottery Fund or Historic England.

Click here to make your online application. Although supporting documents can be posted all applications must be submitted via the LPOW website.

If you were made a first round bid you will have to re-apply.

If your parish made a 1st round application and would like feedback from LPOW we encourage you to contact them and request this.

To accompany your submission to the Roof Repair Fund it is necessary to have a letter from the Archdeacon confirming support for the funding bid so please notify us should you be intending to make an application. The Archdeacons and DAC team are available to offer any help needed with the applications.

Should you have any queries at all please do get in touch with the DAC team.