High Tide youth services

High Tide is what we call the monthly get-togethers of church youth groups from across the Portsmouth area. From 2018, they've met regularly for food, games, worship, teaching and prayer, visiting each other's churches and enjoying each other's hospitality and worship styles. It's a chance to deepen their discipleship, and help strengthen bonds between young people in different churches. 

It's also ecumenical, including youth groups from churches of different denominations, from Emsworth to Southsea and from Crookhorn to Stubbington. And the youth leaders have taken the young people away for three residentials in the past 18 months too, where their discipleship has deepened:

High Tide worship, summer 2023

High Tide youth services 2024

If you are aged 11 to 18, you're very welcome to come to one of the High Tide youth services. They happen on a Friday night, once a month, at a different church each time. Details are below:

Young people on the summer 2022 High Tide residential

High Tide holidays

High Tide residential: April 2022

In April 2022, the first High Tide residential took place in the Westbrook Centre on the Isle of Wight. Fifty 11 to 18-year-olds enjoyed paintballing, swimming, creating tie-dye t-shirts and learning bushcraft - as well as learning more about God through worship, teaching and prayer. Read more about that here, watch the video below, and see all the photos here.

High Tide residential: August 2022

They enjoyed their weekend in April so much that a summer High Tide residential was arranged for August 2022. Almost 30 young people from nine churches went to Luckley House School in Surrey for a four-day break based around TV game shows. It included Bake Off, Hunted, Taskmaster, Repair Shop and Million-Pound Drop activities, plus lasertag, a silent disco, worship, teaching and discussion. You can read more about it here, watch the video below, and see all the photos here.

High Tide residential August 2023

The young people spent five days on a summer residential in 2023, again at Luckley House, Surrey. They enjoyed mountain-biking, archery, baking and pottery, plus a murder mystery, water slide, paint party and silent disco. And there were regular sessions of worship, prayer and discussion based on the Christmas, Easter and Pentecost stories. Read more here.