


Report into Modern Slavery in Rural Areas. Download here.

Three online opportunities to learn more and help raise awareness, hosted by Worcester Cathedral. Click here for details.

  • Tuesday 4th May
    “A Christian consumer’s response to Modern Slavery”
    Talk and discussion led by Simon John. Simon is a supporter of Anti-Slavery International and global secretary of RAGAS, the Rotarian Action Group Against Slavery.
  • Sunday 9th May, 10:30 am
    Bishop Alastair Redfern, the lead bishop working with the Clewer Initiative, will preach at the sung eucharist in the cathedral.
  • Monday 10th May
    Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority Talk. Looking at the methodology of modern slavery (recruitment, control, and the difficulties that victims have in being identified), what signs to look for in business and in rural communities, how to manage and be aware of the potential risk to agricultural businesses, and what we can do collectively as a community. The talk will be followed by an online conversation.


Women in the Shadows, we are focusing on the suffering facing women and girls who are trapped in sexual exploitation, forced labour and county lines drug smuggling and the ways in which different organisations are supporting and helping victims and survivors. We hope that many churches and communities will use the films and devotional material as the focus for Lent this year.

The Course seeks to expose misunderstanding surrounding these subjects and inspire listeners to think about what they could do to make a difference. It also explores God’s heart for the poor and marginalised and our response.

Each film includes fresh and challenging insight from a range of contributors including Jen Baines (GLAA), Louise Hulland (author and campaigner), Sister Lynda Dearlove (women@thewell), Rosie Hopley (Beloved), Karen Anstiss (Caritas Bakhita House), Shayne Tyler (Fresca Group), Clive Davies (Chief Superintendent, East Surrey Police), Bill Crooks (Mosaic Creative), Bishop Alastair Redfern and a representative from Hestia. We are also working with acclaimed writer, April De Angelis and a team of actresses to write and dramatise four survivor testimonies that will help audiences understand the true horror of modern slavery.

The devotional material for each week of Lent includes a short Bible study, reflection and prayer and is written by Bishop Alastair Redfern, Rev Edwina Fennemore, Rev Caroline Pinchbeck, Bishop Simon Burton-Jones and Canon Jane Brooke.

Further information is available here.

February 22nd to March 7th

Fairtrade Fortnight
Fairtrade Foundation has welcomed the UK government’s new measures to hold businesses and public bodies accountable for tackling modern slavery. ‘…tougher measures are desperately needed if we are truly serious about tackling modern slavery in our supply chains.’

February 8th

St. Josephine Bakhita, (Patron Saints of victims of modern slavery and human trafficking). Details to follow.


Modern Slavery in Ambridge – follow the developing slavery story in The Archers.

Clewer, coronavirus and modern slavery, March 2020