The Generosity Week

Generosity Week

We believe in a generous God, a God who gave us everything. Giving and generosity are inextricably linked with the living out of our Christian faith.

As a church we need to encourage generosity whenever we can, and to help parishes focus on generous giving, the National Giving Team and colleagues in other dioceses have created Generosity Week: Eight days of service and worship materials for churches to use whatever the time of the year to encourage people to live generously. Click here for more information.

Watch here as Bishop Jonathan introduces us to the week and shares thoughts about the generosity of God and our response:

Materials for Generosity Week

Generosity Week 2024 is scheduled for September 29 to October 6, but the available materials can be used at any time of the year. They include:

  • 8 Daily Morning Prayer services
  • Evening Prayer and Compline
  • Traditional Eucharist and Service of the Word services for 2 Sundays, one focussing on generosity and one on gratitude, with service content packs including sermon starters.
  • Supporting Activities:
    • Generosity for Children and Young People - fun ideas to help leaders explore the idea of generosity with young people. Includes the Generosity Week challenge with eight days’ worth of ideas.
    • Engaging with the Community – ways of helping churches involve the community in generosity.
    • Celebrating our Legacy – explores the legacy we have received by the generosity of those who’ve gone before us, and encourages us to think what our response to that might be.
    • Podcasts – a range of daily podcasts, reflecting on and sharing stories of God’s generosity in action
    • Marketing and social media to support the material
    • Newsletter sign-up to keep up to date
    • Suggestions for the next steps to take following Generosity Week

Resources for Generosity Week 2024 are now available and you may sign up for follow-up mailings at the end of each month until Generosity Week, to keep up to date. Click here to sign up for the newsletter.

May we encourage you to participate in a Generosity Week in your church, if not in the scheduled week, then at some other time. Set aside eight days to consider the generosity of God and our gratitude to Him. There is plenty of material here to support worship, preaching, teaching and prayer, providing an opportunity to consider our response to God’s gracious gifts.