Giving Strategy

This strategy sets out a framework for how parishes may move to financial sustainability in the uncertain economic times arising from the global pandemic of 2020.

This document can be viewed here and should be read in conjunction with 2 key initiatives that inform the life and work of the Diocese.

  • Live | Pray | Serve – our Diocesan vision that we each live a life where we are full of faith. As a diocesan family, we want to equip people to live as disciples of Christ; to pray, individually and together as worshipping communities; and to serve those living in our local neighbourhoods together.
  • The National Giving Strategy published by the Church of England National Giving Team in 2020 which sets out 2 key strands that are seen as the key to enabling sustained and increased levels of giving within the Church of England, it’s Dioceses, Parishes, Churches and by individual members. These strands are: › A Generous Theology › Building a Generous Church